Tim J. Schoonbeek

Computer Vision PhD Candidate -- t.j.schoonbeek@tue.nl

About me

Passionate about (egocentric) procedure understanding, computer vision, augmented reality, motorcycles, and learning Portuguese.

Contact: t.j.schoonbeek@tue.nl.


PhD Candidate
ASML Research and Eindhoven University of Technology

Sept. 2021 - Oct. 2025 (estimated)
  • Project title: Advanced Augmented Reality Solutions for AI-based Servitization
  • This PhD project aims at automatically extracting relevant and meaningful information from procedural actions within dynamic, high-tech manufacturing and maintenance environments. Given the wide variety of procedural actions and the significant downside of mistakes, a scalable and robust algorithm is required. We intend to deploy such algorithms on augmented reality (AR) devices to provide advanced support.
  • Teaching a module on efficient video-based algorithms.
  • Supervision of dr.ir. Peter de With (IEEE Life Fellow), dr. Hans Onvlee (ASML Senior Researcher), dr.ir. Fons van der Sommen (Professor at TU/e), dr. Jacek Kustra (Group Lead at ASML Research)

M.Sc Mechanical Engineering - Automotive Technology
Eindhoven University of Technology

Feb. 2019 - May 2021
  • Focus on computer vision and autonomous vehicles
  • Graduated with honors (GPA 4.0)
  • Graduation project published, accepted as oral (5% of accepted papers) at IEEE IV 2022

Graduate internship
Honda Research Institute Europe

Mar. 2020 - July 2020
  • Subject: Interaction-Aware Trajectory Prediction for Highway Driving using Graph Neural Networks
  • Real-time trajectory prediction of surrounding vehicles for risk estimation.

B.Sc Electrical Engineering - Automotive Technology
Eindhoven University of Technology

Sept. 2015 - Feb. 2019
  • Thesis: Depth Estimator from Disparity and Segmented Images (8.5/10)